I can touch her,
I can kil her,
I can welcome her in,
here and now i can drink from your breath
I can knot myself in her hair
and fly around the earth,
I can pulse inside her,
but she doesn't hear what I say,
my words drown in her blood,
she stands behind her wall of daggers
aiming her face at me
like a desperate message,
then she denies,
floats off on a cloud
with a memory that is not my flesh,
a shadow I have never worn,
she falls
through my eyes
back into herself,
from her body
back into her body.
Csoori Sándor.
I can kil her,
I can welcome her in,
here and now i can drink from your breath
I can knot myself in her hair
and fly around the earth,
I can pulse inside her,
but she doesn't hear what I say,
my words drown in her blood,
she stands behind her wall of daggers
aiming her face at me
like a desperate message,
then she denies,
floats off on a cloud
with a memory that is not my flesh,
a shadow I have never worn,
she falls
through my eyes
back into herself,
from her body
back into her body.
Csoori Sándor.
5 comentarios
Pistacho Veloz -
Mira, compañeros de ideas.
Anónimo -
El Pistacho Veloz -
Anónimo -
A másik
rányithatom az ajtót,
itt és most ihatok lélegzetébol,
hajához odacsomózva körülröpülhetem a földet,
húsa dobogására magamat,
de szavam nem jut el hozzá,
de szavam nem lesz az o vére soha,
balták kettos sövénye mögül
kétségbeesve üzen,
aztán tagad,
egy felhon tovahajózik,
emléke nem húsom,
árnyéka nem ruhám,
szememen át
magába vissza,
testébol vissza testébe.
Asi luce en Húngaro
Hold -